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Groin & Hip Pain

The major hip flexor muscles, iliopsoas and rectus femoris, can become chronically tight due to too much sitting as well as repetitive motions like running and forward bending. If any muscle remains in a contracted state and is continually overused, small local contractures (trigger points) may form in the muscle body. These contractures can result in scar tissue after time. As the hip flexor becomes tighter, more tension can develop at the tendon, which may result in pain and sometimes snapping in the groin and front of the thigh.The hip flexors attach directly to the lower spine. If there has been injury to the low back or if the core is weak, the hip flexors will tighten their grip on the spine, limiting lumbar spine mobility. When these muscles are tight, they will pull the spine and torso forward, forcing strain onto the low back. Specific stretching releases contracture of the muscle while chiropractic manipulative therapy restores mobility to the spine. Once movement is restored it is important to strengthen the core and buttock muscles to avoid future episodes.​

Suite 206, 39 Central Street, Woodstock, VT

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